Saturday, May 25, 2013

Rough week

Sorry I haven't blogged much this week. My week went from good to badly in a flare over night. I still don't feel well. My more prevalent symptoms right now are EXTREME fatigue, seizures, being numb & tingly on my right side, migraines, nausea, dizziness and extreme all over body aches.
I got pretty discouraged with it all this week. This is no life I'm living! I wouldn't give up being chronically ill, because it's who I am & I feel it helps me to have compassion for others. But more than a few good days here & there would be so nice! I feel so sorry for my kids & husband when I'm flaring like this, not much of a life for them either :(
Just wanted to say "Hey" to everyone & hope your week is going better than mine!~~Sarah

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