Saturday, May 4, 2013

Brain Fog

As I sit here at a blank screen trying to figure out what in the world to blog about it hits me. BRAIN FOG! We all have "Lupie Moments" where we can't think, can't remember. Like now I'm still having a hard time trying to describe brain fog!

Brain Fog affects people of ALL ages and is described as confusion. You feel lost, confused, forgetful and even maybe depressed. Not only people with Lupus have brain fog; it's actual a very common problem, and for some reason isn't really recognized by people in the medical field. There are tons of reasons you could be experiencing brain fog, the most common are emotional, biochemical or physical. If you're to weak and can hardly focus thats a type of brain fog.

So how do we try to avoid these foggy moments? Most times it's inevitable, but a lot of people think that if you "exercise" your brain it'll prevent these moments. By exercising your brain I mean do crosswords, puzzles, or even math (ugh I know).

For me I have a hard time remembering the simplest things! The other day I had a ten year old correct my math while playing a game of Monopoly. I have a hard time remembering memories, what I was saying during a conversation, I can't remember math at all (needless to say my husband is going to be in charge of homework once Emma is old enough for school!), I start down an aisle at a store and have no idea why I was going there. I think my seizures, that have lasted for almost 4 years now, are aiding my brain fog. While having countless seizures I'm pretty sure I fried some brain cells.

Brain fog is stressful. Can make you very angry, depressed, or both. I get so stressed some times I feel like I'm going to explode with anger! At those moments I tell my husband I need to seriously be alone and he and my daughter leave me alone until I cool down. I'll usually take a nap or loose myself in a book to de-stress. If it's to bad I take 5mg of Valium, but I don't recommend depending on Valium EVERYTIME you feel angry or depressed. Valium is VERY addictive! Talk to your doctor about appropriate times to take or not to take as needed medication!

Comment below and tell us your most memorable mistakes that have been caused by brain fog.

Love & Spoon dust <3 Missie


  1. My brain fog has been bad lately, it is causing serious memory loss. Like short term memory loss, I don't remember most of last month but do remember years ago, vividly. It's scary & I'm sure the seizures don't help! It's one of the reasons Dr's want a brain biopsy & the 5-day monitoring. Ugggh, it's such a terrible symptom of Lupus!

  2. Oh yeah, I have brain fog like crazy. It does't help that I have SLE but that I'm also going through menopause, so it seems to be a double whammy! I often don't recognize where I'm at at first, or I can't think how to go to where I need to go and have to run it past my husband so he can tell me how to go. I walk into a room and don't know why I went there, etc...Drives me crazy especially when I am trying to say something but for the life of me I can't get the words out. It is a terrible symptom of Lupus for sure! Glad that I found your site, looking forward to visiting!
