Tuesday, May 28, 2013


The definition of pain is: physical suffering or discomfort caused by illness or injury.

I had NO concept of pain until I became chronically ill. I had my wisdom teeth pulled at 15, had several root canals & a laporoscopic surgery to remove a large ovarian cyst at age 17. Even then, that was nothing compared to what I endure on a daily basis. I put on my best "fake smile" & make it through the day. But pain so severe, so deep it feels like someone is stabbing me with a hot iron in my bones on top of severe muscle spasms. Severe migraines 2-3 times a week. Labor, csections, yeah that sucked. But at one point, the pain from that ended. This level of unending pain on a near daily basis is enough to break a person. This is not even a day that I have had seizures, this is every day pain. I'm hot but cannot bear to sit under the ceiling fan without a blanket because the cool air causes my muscles to spasm & ache worse. My oldest daughter is so very affectionate & constantly touching & rubbing my arms, it almost brings me to tears because it hurts so badly on those bad days and even though I never tell her to stop, as a Mom it breaks my heart that my child showing affection causes me pain. Imagine that as a Mother, your child touching you physically HURTS.
Now, I don't know why some days are worse than others. And yes, I will be honest there are days I cry out to God that I can't take it anymore. But, I do. I press on, I move forward. I don't complain much to others, except to my husband and my Mother in law when she's around because they don't judge me for it. Today is just a very very bad day pain wise. I will make it through this day, and I will make it through the next bad days. I will be stronger for it.
Pain, I never really understood the definition until I became chronically ill. Be careful how you treat someone, you never know what they're battling on the inside. Because even if I saw you today & you asked how I was, I would smile & say "great!"

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