Personal blog :
I was a perfectly healthy kid until puberty hit me at 11 years old. I would throw my back out for no reason and my family would just called it the "Family Back" because everyone in my family has back problems.
I've always had problems with my knees as far as I can remember, I tried to avoid running and athletics as much I possibly could because it hurt to much.
When my menstrual cycle started the pain was horrible. I missed a lot of school growing up and my school nurses knew me all to well. I was diagnoised with Endometriosis when I was 15 years old. School nurses always thought I was faking because how in the world can menstrual cramps be that painful. In highschool they nurses when cruel and wouldn't let me even call my grandma to pick me up. By then I had a cellphone and could sneak into the bathroom and call her to come get me.
In 2008 I had a laproscopy to have remove damage from the Endometriosis, but it grew back worse.
In 2009 the week I turned 21 years old I began to have seizures. Only answer they could give me was stress was causing them. At the time it made sense because I was in a horrible marriage, but we divorced at the begining of 2010 and all my stress was gone. My ex husband used to tell me that I was having seizures for his attention. My seizures were many and violent, and seizure medication made them worse. I was once on 3000MG of Neurontin and it gave me halluicinations. They were all of my phobias. First one was I was laying in bed and I had IVs all up and down my arms. I scratched my arms and screamed my throat raw.
In 2010 I became pregnant with my daughter. For months in utero she staied at 2 pounds, and I almost lost her. We had no idea why. We kept thinking it was type AIP Porphyria because my mother has it and it's hereditary. You only test positive for AIP Porphryia while having an attack so I never tested positive. Thankfully after lots of bedrest, carbs and milkshakes Emma was born premature, but made it to 5 pounds and 7 ounces.
July 2012 I finally had my answer of all my questions... LUPUS! Lupus has attacked my pregnancy, my skin, my eye sight, my joints, and caused me to have seizures.
This journey has been hard, but I'm not alone. I have a great support system in my husband, family and my two Lupus sisters Sarah and Jen! I fight for the day I'm no longer fatiqued, no longer have seizures and am able to take care of my daughter the way a mother should be able to!
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